Designs and implements new artifact displays throughout the Antioch Historical Museum.
Reviews and refreshes existing artifact displays in the Antioch Historical Museum.
Decides the topic, the design and the implementation of annual artifact exhibits in the Riverview Room of the Antioch Historical Museum .
Collections :
Accepts artifact donations to the Antioch Historical Museum that are related to the history of Antioch.
Catalogs, preserves and displays the Antioch Historical Society artifacts.
Marketing :
Post photos and information of Museum news and events on the Museum Facebook page, sharing these posts widely to other Facebook pages.
Write and disseminate press releases about Museum news and events to print and online newspapers and other media.
Oversee and generate website content.
Work with others to publish the Gazette, the Museum's quarterly newsletter.
Create publicity flyers when needed
Firehouse :
Maintaining the operation of the Antioch Historical Society’s 1927 Fire Truck.
Driving the Fire Truck to, from and in designated functions of the Antioch Historical Society.
Maintaining the Fire House Garage.
Technology :
Ensure that the AHS technology programs/infrastructure support the Board’s objectives and strategies, and provide for appropriate data security and data privacy.
Advise the Board on technology related matters.
Overseeing risks related to the quality and effectiveness of AHS’s information technology security, data privacy and disaster recovery capabilities.
Provide tours of the museum and grounds to local third-grade students in the Antioch Unified School District as part of their required curriculum.
Pursues working relationships with teachers at local middle schools (grades 6-7-8) and mutually develop projects of interest to students at those grade levels.
Work to obtain grants for the specific purpose to fund the purchase of educational materials such as books, videos, games, etc.
Community Outreach :
Connect with community organizations about tabling and vending at events.
Assist with transporting and setting up our custom canopy, table, chairs, and promotional items at community events.
Help with sharing Museum information and selling gift shop items at the canopy at community events.
Attend city council meetings, Chamber of Commerce mixers and the like to promote Museum events and happenings.
Network with other community groups.
Fundraising :
Seek out grants and donations with opportunities for both restricted and unrestricted funding for the Antioch Historical Society/Museum.
Build good continuing relationships with all Donors..
Assist and coordinate fundraising with the other Antioch Historical Society committees' efforts.
Policy, Procedures and Bylaw :
Create, change or review policies at the direction of the AHS Board.
Develop Procedures that support the adopted policies.
Make changes and/or review the Bylaws as required by law or at the direction of the AHS Board.
Prepare Society’s annual operating and capital budgets for Board adoption.
Coordinate all capital-project requests annually for consideration in the capital budget recommendation.
Periodically review expenditures and recommend any required changes to the adopted budget for Board action.
Oversee investment accounts and recommend any changes to maintain Board policy.
Building and Grounds:
Oversee planning, design, construction and maintenance of all physical facilities on Museum property.
Coordinate and arrange for contracting of skilled maintenance contractors when required, and recommend most economical results to the Board for approval.
Oversee and coordinate all government regulatory requirements.
Assist other committees in their needs for physical facility modifications to carry out their missions.
Recruit potential volunteers by providing volunteer forms to visitors to the museum, at community outreach events, postings on our website and Facebook.
Interview potential volunteers and match their interests, skills, and knowledge to the needs of the museum.
Provide training and supervision of new volunteers as needed. We recognize our volunteers at a yearly event to show our appreciation.